1. What is Polybutylene piping? Polybutylene piping, or Poly-B for short, is a flexible plastic supply plumbing material that was in use in home construction between 1978 and 1995. Poly-B can be identified by its light grey colour and the permanent markings on the tubing. As a cheaper and easier-to-use alternative to copper, Poly-B was installed in over 6 million American, and over 700.000 Canadian homes.
2. What is the issue? Poly-B piping can deteriorate and fail, when exposed to extreme heat, very hot water and where water has high chlorine levels. Chlorine levels in Canada are much lower than those in the United States. · Poly-B is permeable to oxygen. Poly-B used in circulating hot water loops is prone to deliver oxidized water which can be very hard on water heaters and boiler and drastically shorten their life. · When exposed to sunlight for an extended amount of time, Poly-B piping can break down.
3. What can I do to make the best of my poly-B?
4. Keep carbon monoxide out of your home
Carbon monoxide is a harmful gas that has no colour, smell or taste. It forms whenever you burn fuel such as propane, natural gas, gasoline. If furnaces, fireplaces, gas stoves or water heaters are improperly installed, or if they malfunction, they can release co into your home.
5. What are the health effects: when you breathe in CO, it reduces your body’s ability to carry oxygen in the blood? It causes you headache and make you feel tired. At the higher level it can lead to death.
How do I know if I have a problem?
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